We wanted to walk over the bridge to get some photos of the view below, it's quite stunning:
Once there we paid admission and found there was three exhibits, one just on shoes which we skipped past:
Another on inner city farming, which also went by quickly, and the final one on the history of Vancouver from 1910-1970.
Here's Medusa getting her hair done:
And we watched this video about how poor Dorothy's life ambition was to get a new kitchen appliance.
We ran into a couple of locals in period costumes:
Back to the hostel to rest and recharge. We went back to Little Sisters and this time one of the women from the movie was working there, Sarah took her photo with her dog, Buddy:
From there a dinner not worth remembering, and off to drag bingo!
What fun! What prizes! What a hot black man who sat beside us that Sarah and I spent the night flirting shamelessly with! He looked like Denzel Washington.
But alas, we didn't get the prize, and we didn't win bingo either.
The main queen's co-host was named "Summer Clearance".
Tomorrow a travel day to Victoria, the weather should be fine!
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