Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rogues Gallery

Maybe you're sick of me talking about the cruise?
I don't care.
I have 2 more planned, this one and one with a few videos I took. You tube is taking over an hour to load one video so that may be tomorrow.

OK so on the trip there were certain people my roommate and I saw again and again. Or made a point of seeing again and again. We made a list on the ship which I have here and will try to match names to faces.

He-Man - This guys is sex on legs. He seemed to wear the same swim suit the entire trip but it looked hot on him so I let it slide. I need to get a harness like this for the cruise next year. I looked in St Maarten but they didn't have one. I wonder if this is a stock item at Wal-Mart? Oh, yes, and on the last day my stalking him paid off.

Dating Game Bottom - This guy was the bachelor on the dating game. He was pretty funny. He said "If we had a date on the ship where would you take me?" and all the guys answered and he said, "Wrong. The answer was the sauna." The sauna was basically an orgy room and became a running joke.

Big-Dick Guy - This guy was one of the bachelors on the dating game. During the contest he let slip he was well-endowed. Well, actually he said it about 50 times. So he was kind of popular for the rest of the ride.

Couple with Kids - These guys were couple number 3 on the Newlywed Game and I loved them. They have 2 small kids. I want to be re-incarnated as one of their children. Is it too late?

Charlie - Atlantis staff, he was there to perform in shows and welcome guests into the theatre every night. So friendly and outgoing and nice, he's in the right job and I became a bit smitten.

Cashetta - Drag queen musician/magician. Hosted an amazing cabaret and a good magic act. Always willing to pose for a photo but a bit touchy when you ask her to fetch you Levi's underwear.

Whey-Ling - This bitch was all over the ship! This photo was from his appearance on the dating game, where he somehow won despite not knowing English. He made up business cards with his photo and handed them out like leaflets. The guy I met, Randy, I wrote my name on a piece of paper and turned it over and it was fucking Whey-Ling's card! Ship bicycle, everyone had a ride.

The Sparkle Sisters - These two were a couple that dressed in very elaborate outfits that always matched. They were WAY over the top, have been on 9 cruises and were the friendliest people on the boat.

Randy - Fought in the gulf war. A doctor. Jumps out of airplanes. Mini James Bond. He didn't look as old in the dark as he does in this picture but we had a great evening.

Matt - Met him at a singles dinner and spoke to him for a little while until I realized he was totally full of himself. So then I talked to his friend and he got to look around the room for 30 minutes and talk to no one, which was kind of fitting.

Levi Poulter - I may have developed a slight crush on him.

And last but not least, my roommate Alberto. I heard a couple horror stories about the roommate share program and he was so friendly and nice. A real genuine person and we had fun hanging out.

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