So I decided to go to the Currency Museum on Saturday as it was free and close. Along the way I saw this statue of Terry Fox:
So the currency museum was actually really good. They had this money from the Bank of Toronto before Canada had centralized money:
and this wall of current bills:
Plus a cool section on counterfeiting.
I then walked around the Bytown Market and bought some cheese and bread. That's one thing that was great about Ottawa, I guess its the Quebec influence as there are loads of bakeries everywhere.
Today I got up earlier and went to the Museum of Civilization. The coolest thing was the Postal Museum which had this game that I so want:
and a gallery of famous Canadians which featured this saying:
Then off to the Museum of Nature which was undergoing major renovations. They had a lot of fossils, like this giant fish:
and a collection of every native bird of Canada stuffed. Here's a turkey, he's saying "Don't eat me!":
Finally to the Ottawa airport where it looked like there was some construction going on:
All in all a good trip and I'm glad I went, but now I don't have to go back for another 20 years. I thought I was going to throw up on the flight on the way home. Little airplanes and me = bad.
George Michael is onsale tomorrow at 10 a.m. I only have $500 for 2 tickets so I'll see what I can get!
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