Wednesday, December 24, 2008


A year in review.
In January I started volunteering for the Gay and Lesbian Archives which has changed my life. There's a sentiment that when you give your time, you get back so much more and never was that truer.

I found gay monopoly, launching nearly as many games as conversations.

I became vegan at the start of March and it wasn't something I was sure I could sustain. How the heck has it been 9 months already? One of the easiest and best choices of my life.

I went to Ottawa for work. Found out it's a speed bump. Desire to explore the rest of Canada lessens.

Blue Jays and the season pass that keeps on giving.

A home opener with my father that sparked a year of forgiveness, understanding, and a relationship that will last the rest of my life.
A lifelong dream fulfilled in a visit to Auschwitz.

A visit to my now favourite city in the world, Berlin.

Gay pride.

A bus trip from Hell. Running out of money and 20 hours on a bus. Would I do it again? Sure.
Fenway Park in Boston, my favourite baseball stadium.

America's capital and a lesson in poverty and a police state.

Archives hottie and the awakening of a sex drive.

A trip to Paris that had many questioning and ended up being fantastic.

I will never forget the red light district in Amsterdam as long as I live. And I will never go back.

A charity dinner for the Archives and a new awakening of self. A new me, who can laugh at parties and mingle and flirt and smile and be self-confident. Probably the best night of the year.

A new super camera, the possibilities are now endless. Baseball players, in focus!

A boyfriend. Someone I can't discuss here but who's presence is nonetheless felt here. An opening of my heart, and a joy long since forgotten. Poetry, laughter, understanding.
Turning 30.
Yoga. A new calling, a positive release, and a foundation for looking and feeling better.

It's exciting looking at all this cool stuff that happened. If I could take myself back a year and see all this coming up, I would run ahead, not walk, and jump in with both feet.

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