Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The disadvantages of hostelling

It's 3:35 a.m. and I'm still awake. An Irish guy who's drunk (redundant) is in my room talking to everyone, asking them where they're from. It went something like:
Drunk guy: Where are you from?
Tokyo guy: What?
Drunk guy: Where are you from?
Tokyo guy: What?
Drunk guy: Where are you from?
Tokyo guy: Tokyo.
Drunk guy: What?
The people here are the rudest and loudest of the 3 hostels I've stayed at. Which is weird because none of them are from New York.
Yesterday night this guy was snoring the loudest I have ever heard and some other guy was rubbing himself all night long.
I'm hoping if I can kill half an hour drunk guy will be asleep. Or I can kill drunk guy, either way.

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