Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I went to my brothers high school graduation this past weekend.

The thing with this blog is, do you update often, even when nothing is going on or just when exciting (or mildly) exciting stuff happens? I guess you have to update often or people stop coming to look.
I found the black and white setting on my camera, check it out:
I like it.
My mom's sister and her family came too:
Anyway this week I'm going to a gay Country and Western concert Thursday night here and Friday is a crappy movie film fest.
I just got the new Harry Potter video game so I'll probably be playing that all week.
I have to call my hostel in Chicago at lunch today, it looks like they might be sold out! Eeek! I'll be sleeping in the park.


Anonymous said...

"The thing with this blog is, do you update often, even when nothing is going on or just when exciting (or mildly) exciting stuff happens?"

Your public demands nothing less that frequent updates. And exciting updates! If nothing happens to you in any five minute period, you should consider setting yourself on fire. And live blogging the experience.

Danny said...

Live blogging and setting yourself on fire would be entertaining...the one and only time!

What your blog needs to "sell" is some sort of "heroic" journey you struggle with.

I suggest a quest to find the toy with the biggest "package". You can take weekly photos of your new toy's package and have people critique. May be difficult since they are all eunuchs, but it give you an excuse buy new toys....

Umm... you can't use this as an excuse to molest them.